Guide to Meigs Local Digital Platforms
We know it can be tough to keep up with the different platforms schools use. This guide is meant to help families by breaking down what each platform does, plus which platform to go to for routine family needs.We’re always looking for ways to condense the number of platforms we use and will keep working to bring tools together whenever we can! Click the name of a platform to learn more about how it can help your family or scroll through the list for an overview.
Infinite Campus is the central hub(Student Information System, or SIS) for data across the district. Your child's household contact information, grades, attendance, schedule, behavior, and many other important data pieces are kept here. It is important that this information is secure and accurate, as the data here is used to report to both state and federal government bodies.
Campus Parent(Formerly known as parent portal) provides you 24x7, up to the second access to your child's information in Infinite Campus. For more information about Campus Parent click the link below.
CAMPUS PARENT more information
ParentSquare is our district, building, and classroom communication tool. Everything from emergency, snow day, and general announcement information is shared using this platform. The information in Infinite Campus that you provide such as phone number and email address is used to notify you via this platform. For more information about ParentSquare click the link below.
PARENTSQUARE more information
mySchoolBucks is an online payment service you can use to add money to your students lunch account, check the current balance, set alerts, and much more. Check out the link below for more information.
mySchoolBucks more information
Schoology is our district adopted Learning Management System(LMS). This system allows our teachers to distribute learning materials and information to your student, administer assessments (tests and quizzes), collect digital assignments, and much more. Please note that not ALL teaching staff utilize these resources in their classroom. Please reach out to your child's teacher to see if they are using it with your thier classes. Schoology more information