Curriculum and Federal Programs
Michael Barnett
Curriculum Coordinator/Federal Programs Director
Curriculum Coordinator/Federal Programs Director
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) IDEA Part B Special Education Fund Opportunity (34 CFR 300.165, 34 CFR 300.201) requires that the Meigs Local School District provide an opportunity for public comment, including individuals with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities, regarding the Meigs Local School District's use of ARP IDEA Part B funds (MLSD ARP IDEA Part B Assurances/Plan). The Meigs Local School Board will be approving the public comment requirements on 9/22/21. Public comment on the use of the Meigs Local School District ARP IDEA Part B plan will open on 9/22/21, and remain open until 9/27/2021. Please send all public comments to .